Media Arts

oyler k-12 program

oyler clc's media arts program

Mr. Connor Kurek

Director of Media ArtsCommunity Learning Center Institute(765)

oyler clc's media arts 

Oyler began building a K-12 media arts program in August 2020. With a passion for storytelling, we believe that everyone has a story worth sharing. We're here to help students find creative ways to express their voices, discover hidden talents, learn writing, photography, filmmaking, podcasting, marketing and countless other communication skills. We connect students to professionals in the media field and similar college programs. Our team provides programming during and after school ranging from classes, clubs and field trips to internships and job shadowing. 

To connect or get involved, you can find our broadcast lab and classroom on the mezzanine level of Oyler; rooms 3009 and 3011. Contact Mr. Connor Kurek at  (765) 730-7617 or for more info. 

Why media?

There's something in this field for everybody. No matter which career path you choose - nursing, engineering, architecture, coaching, finance, aviation - you need solid communication skills. Media is also a great tool to improve literacy & make learning concepts more fun through creative projects like films, newscasts & photos.

what does media arts include?

tune in: student-led content

Mad Mic Podcast

Our student-led podcast: It's been giving Oyler students, faculty and community members a radio voice since August of 2020. This podcast features a variety of student hosts, interviews & topics, all providing Lower Price Hill & Cincinnati Public Schools with news, interesting stories from guests & information on everything from new faculty to school updates. 

You can also find us on Spotify! The Mad Mic Podcast is open to grades 7-12 and students typically record after school on Thursdays from 3:00PM-4:30PM in room 3009 using the podcast booth. Listen to more episodes below.

Check out Oyler's newspaper & blog

Great moments

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Media arts happenings: summer 2024

thank you to our partners!