Madhatter Store

Madhatter Store: Oyler's Spirit Shop

The Madhatter Store is a new student run spirit shop at Oyler School. Students meet biweekly after school to discuss potential new designs, accessories, and clothing. The students love to hear from people to see what you would be interested in seeing at the store. Please reach out to to enquire about potential collaborations. 

Madhatter Store is OPEN!!

The Madhatter Store's first full website is fully open! Follow the link to the left and decide between clothing items such as shirts, sweatshirts and sweatpants while also finding accessory options. The store is open until the end of October and proceeds will go towards helping the Madhatter Store with future projects. Thank you for supporting the Madhatter Store!

Check out the Madhatter Store Team below!

Madhatter T-Shirt

Oyler Students designed the first ever Madhatter T-shirt for people to purchase. All proceeds went towards the Spirit Shop for future items to be sold. There are still a couple of shirts for sale, so if you are interested please contact

Pictured to the left is Senior Trenton Ross wearing the new shirt design.